Do you know how to prepare your car for a tropical storm or hurricane? If you think about the associated impacts of tropical storms and hurricanes, then there is a strong case for making sure that your car is protected. Storms bring rain, wind, and lightning which can result in flooding, property damage and weakened infrastructure. And, sadly, your car may fall victim to these impacts. That’s why you should extend your tropical storm prepping activities to your vehicles.
How to Prepare Your Car for a Tropical Storm
There are many things that you can do to effectively prepare your car for a tropical storm. Add the following tips to your usual storm prepping activities and ensure that all of your assets are protected.
1. Check the Fluids in Your Car
Check to confirm that fluids such as brake fluid, gas or diesel and engine oil are at recommended levels. Gas and diesel tanks should be filled to capacity, so that you have enough gas to get around in an emergency and in case there are shortages after the storm.
2. Pack a Car Emergency Kit
You never know when you might have to jump in your car and go. There is always a possibility that you might not make it home in time to grab your survival kits. An essential car emergency kit should contain a first aid kit and clothing.
3. Take Photos of Your Vehicle
Take photos of the inside and outside of your car before the storm. This is a precautionary step in the event your car is damaged during a tropical storm. These photos will be proof of condition before the storm, and you can present them to your insurance company.
4. Store Car Documents
Put all of your important car documents in a waterproof container. Documents may include car registration, insurance papers and ownership records. If possible, make duplicates of these, so that you can store them in your home.
5. Service Your Vehicle
Ideally, you should service your vehicle regularly to keep it in good working condition. If you have to evacuate quickly, knowing that you can rely on your car, will give you peace of mind. Ask your mechanic to check the battery, tyres, belts, engine, radiator, and other core parts.
6. Park Somewhere Safe
If a storm is threatening and you do not have a garage or car port for your vehicle, you should find somewhere safe to park. Look for a location that can offer protection from wind, flooding, falling trees, utility poles, and power lines.
After-Storm Dangers and How to Avoid Them
When a tropical storm has passed your area, it does not mean that all dangers have disappeared. In fact, the dangers after the storm can be even more deadly that the storm itself.
1. Stay at Home
Even though reports may state that the storm has passed, do not leave your home. This is the best advice that will keep you safe and alive. Resist the urge to get in your car and explore the neighbourhood to see what damage was done.
2. Avoid Flooded Roads
If you have to leave home, do not drive on flooded roads or drive through standing water. Turn around! It is impossible to gauge the height of flood waters on even the most familiar streets. High water may be hiding dangers such as washed-out bridges and weakened roads.
3. Stay Away from Power Lines
After the storm, there is almost always some downed utility pole or power line. Do not touch or drive over any wires because they may still be live. Also, do not attempt to move trees or other objects entwined in power lines.