Tropical Storm Resources is a compilation of valuable resources that will help you to prepare for advancing storms and tropical weather systems. With this information, you can increase your knowledge of tropical storms with the latest software, apps and blogs; tropical storm education and research from weather agencies; locations of tropical storm shelters and contact information for storm emergency services. Additionally, you will find the most reputable weather links; accurate forecasts and outlooks; the latest storm tracking technology; jobs and careers; training and education sources; disaster relief funding and aid; and mental health support.
Forecasts and Outlooks
To be adequately prepared for the tropical storm season, we depend on accurate forecasts and outlooks. Check the links below for short-term weather forecasts; weather and disaster apps; and medium-term, seasonal and longer-term outlooks.
Organisation: Tropical Storm Risk
About: Venture which developed from a TSUNAMI initiative project on seasonal tropical cyclone, supported by the UK government.
Features: Storm Tracker; Forecast; Research Publications
Organisation: The Research Applications Laboratory
About: The Research Applications Laboratory conducts research that enhances weather monitoring, nowcasting and forecastin;g and performs collaborative research in the area of atmospheric and related sciences
Features: Part of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); Flood Prediction Systems; High-Quality Weather Forecasts
Organisation: Earth Networks
About: Earth Networks helps organisations to mitigate weather related risks. It produces accurate weather forecasts and works to reduce the occurrence of forecasting errors.
Features: Convective Radar Mapping; Real-time Storm Tracking; Managed Weather Equipment; Localized Weather Forecasts
Website: The Old Farmer’s Almanac
About: A periodical that publishes long range forecasts for home makers, gardeners and weather watchers for regions in the United States of America.
Features: Long-Range Forecasts;
Oganisation: The Climate Prediction Centre
About: The Center develops products that cover time scales from one week to seasons and aims to promote the management of risk and thus create a climate-resilient society.
Features: Outlook Maps; Month to Seasonal Climate Outlooks; Extended Range Outlooks
Organisation: ConWx
About: ConWx is a knowledge based company that provides advanced weather and energy forecasting services and focuses on solutions for energy and offshore related needs.
Features: Wind and Solar Power Forecasts; Metocean Forecasts; Forecasts for Retail Purposes and Wind Farm Operations; Wind Site Assessments
Jobs & Careers
Are you a budding meteorologist with a love for weather? The following links will put you closer to your dream of monitoring tropical storms in your region. Find out about career exploration and development; avenues to further your education and alternative training options; job search and employment boards; and current employment statistics and research.
Website: Earthworks Jobs
About: STEM focused job board based in the United Kingdom
Career & Job Categories: Climate; Palaeoclimate; Atmospheric Science; Meteorology; and Climate Change
Website: Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
About: Meteorology and atmospheric science job board
Career & Job Categories: Meteorology; Atmospheric Sciences; Internships; Co-Op Opportunities; REU Opportunities
Website: Royal Meteorological Society
About: Job hub for vacancies in meteorology
Career & Job Categories: Atmospheric; Oceanic and Climate Sciences
Mental Health Support
People who have been affected by tropical storms, go through a psychological trauma that is hardly talked about. Mental health, well-being, depression and anxiety are important issues for the survivors of natural disasters. This hub links you to tools & resources including support services (comprehensive list of where support is available); 24/7 help; networks & forums (connect with others); and articles & reports.
Organisation: Mental Health Caribbean
Location: Bonaire, Statia, Saba
About: Provides mental healthcare for old and young in the Netherland Antilles.
Portfolio: Adult; Child & Adolescent; Addiction; SNP; Forensic Care
Organisation: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Location: Virginia, USA
About: Raises awareness and provides support and education to those in need
Portfolio: Mental Health Education; Support Groups; NAMI HelpLine; Video Resource Library; Online Discussion Groups
Relief Funding & Aid
Do you want to know what assistance and help is available to you as a victim of a tropical storm? We link you to available and current national disaster assistance information including insurance; home rebuilding; and funding and recovery programmes for your region.
Organisation: FEMA
Location: United States
Types of Financial Assistance: FEMA Individual Assistance (Disaster assistance; low interest disaster loans)
Organisation: The International Monetary Fund
Location: Global
Type of Financial Assistance: Rapid Credit Faclity; Rapid Financing Instrument; Stand-By Arrangement
Organisation: CDEMA
Location: Caribbean
Type of Financial Assistance: Canada Caribbean Disaster Risk Management (CCDRM) Fund
Software, Apps & Blogs
Track the latest storm information with your fingers. Learn about the best software, apps, blogs and websites that are dedicated to tropical weather and tropical storm systems.
Software: Stormpulse
Application Type: Cloud Based/ iOS/ Android
Countries: Global
Starting Costs: Free (with Linkedin login credentials)
Support: Email Contact Form
Software: PC Weather Products
Application Type: PC
Countries: Global
Starting Costs: Internet downloads start at $0; HURRTRAK starts at $630 (Check prices)
Support: Email Contact Form
Software: Hurricane Software
Application Type: PC (Windows)/ iOS/ Android
Countries: Global
Starting Costs: Set-Up Fee Required
Support: Email Contact Form
App Name: AccuWeather
Platform: Android, iOs
Countries: Global
Cost: Free
App Name: Storm Radar
Platform: Android, iOS
Countries: Global
Cost: Free (Premium features available for a fee)
App Name: NOAA Weather Radar Live
Platform: Android, iOs
Countries: Global
Cost: Free
Blog Name: Inside the Eye (NOAA)
About: The NOAA is part of a hardworking USA based tropical weather/ climate change/ disaster management networks that aims to save lives.
Topics: Flooding; Forecasting; Insurance; Preparedness; Storm Surge
Blog Name: Category 6 (Wunderground)
About: Long-standing blog which was started in 2005 by Wunderground co-founder Jeff Masters and is currently authored by Bob Henson.
Topics: Climate and Climate Change; Hurricanes, Typhoons & Cyclones; El Nino & La Nina
Blog Name: Eye of the Storm (Scientific American)
About: Authored by renowned hurricane scientist Dr. Jeff Masters. Dr. Masters has also worked as a meteorologist. He is a co-founder of Wunderground.
Topics: Natural Disasters; Climate
Storm Emergency Services
Do you know who to call for assistance? Look for the storm emergency services available in your area. Don’t wait until the storm is approaching – start your search now.
Storm Tracking Technology
Each year, storm tracking technology becomes more accurate and reliable. Find out about the latest storm tracking technologies that are used by weather professionals around the world. Follow these links for information on sensors; hurricane hunters; unmanned aircraft systems; inputs and diagnostics; big data and artificial intelligence.
Technology: Hurricane Hunters (Aircraft Reconnaissance)
Organisation: NOAA
Mission: To collect data from tropical storms and hurricanes and other weather disturbances, in an effort to inform more accurate predictions.
Technology: Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Organisation: NOAA’s Aircraft Operations Center
Mission: To use UAS capabilities to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans and coasts and to provide research and development expertise
Training, Courses and Seminars
There are many sites dedicated to weather related jobs and opportunities. If you are looking for training, courses and seminars in disaster management, climate change, meteorology and related subjects, there may be something here for you. You will find courses at various levels, namely short courses, certificates, associate degrees, bachelor degrees, masters degrees and doctoral degrees.
Course: Disaster Preparedness
Institution: University of Pittsburg via Coursera
Duration: 13 hours
Qualification: Short Course
Location: Online
Cost: Free (Certificate available for a fee)
Course: MSc International Disaster Management
Institution: The University of Manchester
Duration: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time
Qualification: Master of Science
Location: Face to Face
Cost: Check course page
Course: Animals in Disasters: Community Planning
Institution: FEMA
Duration: 4 hours
Qualification: Short Course
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Course: Hurricane Survival Skills
Institution: UDEMY
Duration: 3 hours
Qualification: Short Course
Location: Online
Cost: Check course page
Tropical Storm Agencies
Get in contact with agencies that are dedicated to providing accurate tropical storm education. You will also learn about past, present and future research on tropical weather. Connect with active industry bodies and councils; study the latest case studies about tropical weather and read up on new themes and discoveries in meteorological research.
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Location: United States
Mission: Aims to utilise its capacity to help people prepare for and respond to disasters
Agency: Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
Location: Caribbean
Mission: Aims to work with participating states and organisations to build disaster resilience in the Caribbean.
Tropical Storm Shelters
Where will you go during the storm? The buildings that have been designated as tropical storm shelters must meet strict requirements. If you believe that your home is not strong enough to withstand the storm, look for storm shelters in your area. This list has been updated to include Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and the Caribbean.
Source: Hurricane Shelters (Storm Preppers)
About: Article outlines where to find information about hurricane shelters in the USA, Caribbean, Central America and South America.
Tropical Weather Links
Latest tropical storm tracking information for the Americas and weather enthusiasts. Latest tropical weather links here! Storm Tropical storm news! Hurricane news! We link you to domestic news sources, international news sources and global news and analysis.
Organisation: National Weather Service
Coverage: United States & the Caribbean
About: The National Weather Service provides weather, forecasts and warnings and is affiliated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Organisation: The Weather Channel
Coverage: Global
About: The Weather Channel provides national and international weather forecasts.
Organisation: Weather Underground
Coverage: Global
About: The internet’s first weather service that provides short and long range weather forecasts and reports for its global audience. Weather Underground is a pioneer in online weather forecasting which depends on the collaboration of meteorologists around the world
Features: Maps & Radar; Weather Station Connections; News & Blogs
Orgnisation: AccuWeather
Coverage: Global
About: AccuWeather Inc. is an American company that provides international commercial weather forecasting services. It has a global reach of over 2 billion people.
Organisation: Weatherbug
About: Website that provides local and international forecasts using accurate weather forecasting technology and current weather reports.
Features: Weather Maps; Air Quality Analyses; Active Hurricane Tracker
If you know of any other tropical storm resources that should be be added to this page, send an email to stormpreppers [at] gmail [dot] com. Please note the information included in the desired section and include these details about your resource in the email.